How can I help?

Join us, it’s as easy as 1, 2, Tree!

Literally. Orla here and Steven and I planted 7 fruit trees this morning with the very small pre-school children at Bonnybrook Early Education Centre. The worms they brought over in their little hands to show us! The fun they had watering and playing with the soil, utterly absorbed! This climate action is, we find, one of the nicer ones and very effective for carbon capture! And it will I guarantee tree planting will make you look and feel younger; a small boy guessed today that I was aged 18 and that Steven was 13!

There are so many ways you can help!

Donate to our cause:

Donating to our charity Crann – Trees for Ireland here ; 10 euro sponsors one tree on our project.

Donate via A million Trees for Ireland and you can fill in the number of trees at 10 euro each in the space, you can delete the “150” and put in any number and will receive a reg. no. and receipt.

Plant Trees with us:

You can support us by coming out on our planting parties. Send us a tree-mail on with your name, address and phone number as well as date of birth if you are under 18 and just a few lines about what you would like to do – tree planting or supporting us through some other work. We are compiling our list for the bare root planting season which begins Nov and ends on National Tree Week in around Easter time. You may contact to obtain a copy of our Data Protection and Child Protection policies at Crann – Trees for Ireland.

One of the best climate actions a community can take is to plant trees. Trees not only absorb carbon and other harmful gases while releasing oxygen, they provide a whole host of other benefits, including improving ecosystems by creating habitats and food; reducing flooding and soil erosion; reducing noise and air pollution; enhancing well-being and local scenery and even increasing the value of property.

You could also consider organising your own planting party that we could support you with – in your school, company or local community. You’ll need some available land, make sure you have permission from the landowner e.g. local authority (public preferred so the children can visit and care for the trees with water in a dry spell, trampling the weeds), some willing helpers and the desire to take climate action. Contact us by email and we will do our best to support you in the planning stages and resourcing. We are working on our list for next season which opens next November so we will be taking names to get back to you for more detailed information before the next rollout.

Learn, Learn, Learn!

Learn more about the importance of tree-planting, and the amazing trees we have in Ireland on our Educational Resources page. Share with your friends, family or your class! Once you are finished with these, explore the internet and library for more information and share them with us!

Share our Story:

Our mission is to share our love of trees by preserving what we have, establishing a better national canopy of beautiful trees by empowering more people of all ages, especially the young, to plant “The right tree in the right place”. Share our story of celebrating trees far and wide and link to our social media accounts to follow our updates.